Meet the Allianz Foundation Fellows 2023-2024

In its Fellowship Program, Allianz Foundation supports inspiring risktakers addressing urgent challenges of our time in inventive and solution-oriented ways. Get to know our fellows here.

July 18, 2024

A man in a mass costume is standing on the street leaning at a wall

Fellows 2023 & 2024

Overcoming injustices: Our current Fellows

The Allianz Foundation Fellowship Program is aimed at people looking beyond the beaten path in the pursuit of new approaches to overcoming injustices. Whether in the context of their artistic work, their social engagement in civil society, their scholarly work – or at the intersection of these areas.

The Allianz Foundation usually funds the Fellows for a period of ten months. During their fellowship, they develop works of art, event formats, platforms, prototypes, new narratives and much more. The Fellows form a network across Europe that remains strong and grows beyond the support of individuals. Creative synergies emerge from the collaboration with other Allianz Foundation initiatives – like the Allianz Foundation Hubs.

The Fellows are partners with the Allianz Foundation in their efforts against nationalism and discrimination, for equal opportunities, open societies and an environment worth living in.

Our new Fellows in 2024

A picture of Nalan Sipar

© Manuel Krug

Nalan Sipar: Civic Journalism Fellow

Nalan Sipar aims to shake up the German media landscape. Her motto: Diverse journalism in the service of the community, for the benefit of society as a whole. Since May 2024, the journalist and political scientist has been part of the Allianz Foundation Fellowship Program. As part of the fellowship, which is awarded in cooperation with Publix, the new house for journalism and public affairs in Berlin, Nalan is working on the development and implementation of various formats to diversify the German media landscape.

The Kurdish journalist came to Germany at the age of 15 and built a successful career. She worked for WDR, Deutschlandfunk, Deutsche Welle, and SPIEGEL, hosted Germany's first German-Turkish children's show "Kelebek," and developed formats such as "Echt?!" and "Im Ring mit Nalan." In November 2023, she founded the digital publishing house MedyaN, which specializes in non-profit, German-Turkish journalism and was recognized for its innovative media work by the German Journalists' Association. Starting in September 2024, Nalan will also participate in the John S. Knight Journalism Fellowship program at Stanford University in California for nine months and conduct research on diversity in the German media landscape.

“We are the medium of a diverse society. We come from the community and do journalism on behalf of the community, for the benefit of society as a whole.”
Nalan Sipar

Niovi Zarampouka-Chatzimanou: Art is a social right for all

Niovi Zarampouka-Chatzimanou believes that art is a social right for all. She collaborates with citizens, artist-led initiatives, and art institutions to foster dialogue and transparency in the local cultural sector. During her fellowship with the Allianz Foundation, Niovi will concentrate on developing the Pavilion of Imagination, aiming to create a space for discussions and participatory practices. She aims to establish a framework wherein citizens, artists, curators, cultural actors, and collectives can collectively envision and design an inclusive arts institution that reflects the evolving contemporary Athenian, Mediterranean, and European identities. 

Additionally, Niovi is an architect and the co-director of Counterpoints in Greece, a non-profit arts organization that focuses on displacement, climate, racial justice, and mental health. Her work centers on socially and politically engaged art projects related to national identity, migration, active citizenship, and public space.

A picture of Niovi Zarampouka-Chatzimanou

© Ilirida Musaraj

Our Fellows 2023-2024

“My ultimate vision is to create a world where justice isn't just a word but a reality for all.”
Magid Magid
“When we play, others want to join - play gives us the much needed feeling that ‘we got this.’”
Yana Buhrer Tavanier about the concept of Playtivism as a tool for social change
“We should use art to reach people currently disaffected by current social systems”
Love Ssega

Your contact: Alban Genty

You have questions about our current Fellows? Please contact Alban.

Alban Genty develops formats for the Allianz Foundation Fellows Program and is also responsible for the Risktakers Fellowship. He also works with funding projects in the field of European civil society dealing among others with issues of rule of law, independent journalism, and tech.

A portrait of Allianz Foundation project manager Alban Genty

Alban Genty © Marcel Wogram

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