
The Allianz Foundation supports artists and art projects that provide fresh ideas for social change and create new perspectives on urgent questions – for today and the future. How can cultural and social divides be bridged? How can we create more sustainable and equitable forms of coexistence?

Art is always a reflection of the conditions of its creation. Art is inscribed with a society’s potential as well as its restrictions. By reflecting on these inequalities and questioning them, art can contribute towards overcoming exclusions and triggering a different way of thinking and acting.

The art we are dealing with speaks to everyone instead of being elitist. It is challenging in an enriching way and opens up perspectives that we could not or did not want to previously perceive. This art acts as a mediator between what exists and what is possible, conveying through sounds, words or images the experience of a world as it could be. It provides ideas, courage and hope to face the fundamental upheavals we are facing as humanity. 

We are certain about one thing: a world without art would be less livable.

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