Climate Cultures Call

+APPLICATION DEADLINE EXPIRED+ Looking at the big picture in order to transform our climate culture. In order to be able to effectively counteract climate change, we need to change our mindset. We need holistic approaches that take into account the connection between global warming and social climate.

April 9, 2024

A pink phone on a wooden stake close. In the background there ist water and plants and a blue sky.

Allianz Foundation Förderprogramm 2023 © Pixabay

Looking at the big picture in order to transform our climate culture

+++ Application deadline already expired +++ 

The Call.

In order to be able to effectively counteract climate change, we need to change our mindset. What is needed are holistic approaches that take into account the connection between global warming and social climate – and from this obtain incentives for the urgently needed transformation of our cultural practices and paradigms. Along with the ecological aspects, consequences of the climate crisis such as social upheaval, displacement and migration, and growing nationalism must also be considered.

The Allianz Foundation's Climate Cultures Call supports projects and initiatives that are situated at the intersection between climate and culture, and work toward sustainable solutions for open societies and a healthy and habitable planet.

The open call is aimed at actors from the civil society, arts and culture, and environmental protection sectors. We explicitly welcome applications from members of younger generations as well as from people or organizations that work across borders and/or do outreach work with target groups that are especially diverse.

The Climate Cultures Call is a special call responding to the urgency of the current challenges. The applications are quickly reviewed, and  funding will be awarded expediently. If we don't act today, the risks for the future will become incalculable.

New alliances wanted.

In many places, visionairies from across all generations are already trying out and developing new and different forms of cultural practice: whether it is plans for innovative urban housing or sustainable rural mobility; art projects for the equal coexistence of people, animals and plants; campaigns for the recognition of climate change as a reason for displacement; or congresses for networking civil society, climate research and art across disciplinary boundaries.

With the Climate Cultures Call, we want to promote precisely such initiatives – approaches to real transformation that involve a willingness to experiment, and that are open-minded and forward-looking.

We are looking for projects: 

That establish new alliances for fighting the climate crisis in a way that includes social and cultural perspectives.

That create new narratives that make the necessary socio-ecological change tangible as a benefit and motivate more people to take action for the climate.

That include many voices and take intersectional, cross-generational or postcolonial perspectives into account, among others.

That raise questions about justice for the societies of the present and for future generations.

The Climate Cultures Call in a nutshell.

Ten projects will be funded in which artists, cultural workers, activists, environmentalists, citizens’ initiatives, NGOs, scientists, start-ups or urban planners from Europe and the Mediterranean establish alliances for a new climate culture.

  • The application period runs from November 15, 2022 to January 1, 2023.
  • The selected projects will be announced in March 2023.
  • The funding period is from March 15 to December 31, 2023. 
  • Projects can be funded for up to 50,000 euros.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Further questions regarding the applications.

The Allianz Foundation team will check your application for formal completeness and correctness and evaluate it according to the content criteria of our work. We aim to review all applications by early February 2023. Subsequently, the applicants will be informed about the acceptances and rejections. Depending on the application volume, the assessment of the applications and the information of the applicants may be delayed. We thank you for your understanding in this case.

Application documents can generally be submitted in German or English. For reasons of processing, we cannot offer any other languages in our documents. If this is not possible for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Allianz Foundation supports projects and partners in Europe and the Mediterranean that work to improve the living conditions of the Next Generations. Projects that have an impact in these regions and partners for whom the strengthening of the European & Mediterranean civil society and cultural landscape is an essential part of their work are therefore eligible to apply. The implementation of the project and use of its funds must primarily take place in Europe and the Mediterranean. If you are unsure whether your project falls within our regional order, please contact us at:

We support projects up to 50,000 euros in 2023. In the selection process, we check the estimated expenses to see whether the requested amount allows for a realistic implementation of the project and criteria such as fair pay (compliance with the minimum wage).

The Allianz Foundation does not provide full financing for projects. This means that further own or third-party funds of at least 10 % of the total cost of the project must be contributed. This can be your organization's own funds or other funds requested from third-party funding bodies. It is important that own contributions (i.e. non-monetary services) cannot be part of the cost and financing plan. Within the framework of the cost and financing plan, however, an administration fee of up to 10 % can be requested.

Project funding by the Allianz Foundation as part of the Climate Cultures Call ends on December 31, 2023. The funded projects can continue to exist.

The earliest possible start of the project is 15 March 2023. No expenditure or material commitments must have been entered into before that date.

Unfortunately, application advice for all project outlines is only possible to a very limited extent. We therefore cannot promise to give individual feedback to each applicant. In the event of a negative response, you are welcome to contact us with a request for feedback – but please understand that we can only comply with these requests within our capacities.

We welcome project ideas that pursue sustainable or climate-friendly approaches at various levels. This can be done in the project, for example, through regional exchanges without air travel, or by reusing materials in different places and in different contexts.

We also welcome climate-friendly and sustainable measures within the framework of the project budget and support, for example, additional costs for vegetarian, regional, seasonal catering; sustainable event concepts (e.g. support for travel by public transport), CO-2 compensation of air travel, etc. At the thematic level, too, we welcome a discussion of the social, cultural and political implications of climate change.

Within the framework of the funding program, no funding of individuals is possible. For individuals, the Allianz Foundation offers another funding opportunities through the Allianz Foundation Fellowship program. For more information, see fellows.

In principle, this is possible. However, in this case it must be explained in detail to what extent the requested project is strictly non-profit and that no commercial interests are pursed. The cost and financing plan must reflect this. Among other things, all subsidies may only be used directly for project-relevant expenses and may not be invested.

Follow-up funding is generally possible. However, applications for further funding of a project go through the same selection process and are subject to assessment by the expert jury.

  • Full financing of a project
  • Shortfall financing or budget gaps in the public sector as well as non-project-related costs
    Individuals and individual assistance (travel or training costs)
  • Scholarships outside the Foundation's own programs (training/doctoral scholarships)
  • School and university activities
  • Publications not related to a funding project (e.g. printing cost subsidies)
  • Film productions (with the exception of project documentation)
  • Art or real estate purchases
  • Evaluation activities outside the Foundation's own programs
  • Building measures
  • Ongoing infrastructure costs or purchase of technical equipment
  • Charity events and charity galas
  • Sports and entertainment events
  • Commercial productions, events and sponsorship activities
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