Open Call: Turkish-German Co-Production Scholarships at Tarabya Cultural Academy

We are looking for tandems of artists and cultural professionals residing in Germany and Turkey. A film director who lives in Turkey wants to work on a new project with a screenwriter from Germany? A visual artist from Berlin would like to realize a joint project with a designer from Izmir? A musician from Diyarbakir wants to work for several months with a composer from Hamburg? This program makes it possible! We are happy to announce the fourth edition of that unique format for artistic residencies!

December 14, 2023

Project description

Tarabya Cultural Academy

Tarabya Cultural Academy in Istanbul is an institution of the German Federal Government. It is run by the German Embassy in Ankara. The curatorial responsibility lies with the Goethe-Institut. The Academy – picturesquely located on the grounds of the historical summer residence of the German ambassador in Tarabya, on the European side of Istanbul - was founded by the German Bundestag in 2011.

The Turkish-German Coproduction grants at Tarabya are a unique residency program for tandems of artists and cultural professionals from Turkey and Germany. They are a joint program of the Allianz Foundation and the Goethe-Institut.

“Even small stories can turn into big movements and trigger bigger change.”
Özge Açıkkol, Güneş Savaş and Nadin Reschke, Tarabya fellows.

Contributing to the German-Turkish cultural exchange: art crosses boundaries – between nations, between sensibilities, and between disciplines.  


We are happy to announce that our unique format for artistic tandem residencies is now entering its fourth edition!  

The Allianz Foundation in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut created the Turkish-German co-production grants at Tarabya Cultural Academy in Istanbul. The program brings together artists from both countries; to give them time and space to dive into a deep cooperation, to co-create boundary pushing art and to take part in the multilayered cultural dialogue between Turkey and Germany. Tarabya Cultural Academy is a residency program for artists from various disciplines. The Academy’s seven artist apartments, meeting room and two studios offer residents optimal living and working conditions. 

Located on the historic premises of the German Ambassadors’ Summer Residency, on the shores of the Bosporus and surrounded by lush, tranquil forests and parks, Tarabya is both: right in the middle of the intense megalopolis Istanbul and at the same time a reprieve from the city’s hustle and bustle. No wonder that since its creation over ten years ago, Tarabya has quickly become one the most prestigious residencies for contemporary artists and cultural professionals who want to get inspired by Istanbul’s energy and still have breathing room to let their ideas flourish.  

If you like to get an idea of the unique possibilities and the spirit of co-creation of the program, check out our interview with fellows Nadin Reschke and Oda Projesi on their time working together in Tarabya.


The call for 2024/2025 is now open until Friday, December 15, 2023, 23:59 (EET):

  • For tandems of artists and cultural professionals residing in Germany and Turkey
  • Both tandem partners receive a monthly cash grant to realize their joint artistic project and take part in all activities of the Tarabya Cultural Academy
  • The tandem partners can use the infrastructure of the academy, including the studios and other common rooms
  • Next to the co-production grants, the call for the regular Tarabya fellowships for individual artists from Germany is also open.  

Tarabya: the historic summer residence

The historic summer residence of the German ambassador is located in the former spa town of Tarabya, now part of the metropolis of Istanbul. The property was a gift from the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1842-1918). In 1880 he gave it to the German Empire for diplomatic use. The property therefore still has the status of an embassy grounds to this day. In the front part there are ten buildings, mainly in the style of Turkish summer houses (yali), and the German military cemetery. The Cultural Academy occupies the former embassy chancellery, where there are five artist apartments. Two more artist apartments and studios were built in the former coach house.

A beautiful pitoresque white coloured old builidng is pictured.

Cultural Academy Tarabya © Elif & Baris

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