Ein Kind mit einem kleinen Oktopus auf dem Kopf steht im Wasser und blickt nach rechts

Time for humankind 
to grow up.

For a living planet. For generations.

The Allianz Foundation is actively advocating for a climate-neutral world. Our goal is to identify and support transformative and fair climate protection projects and strengthen their leading effects.

Through the Paris Climate Accord the earth’s countries have committed to keep the planet habitable for future generations and limit the increase in global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. In fact, today the increase has already reached 1.2 degrees – mainly caused by the massive use of fossil fuels. This is why “business as usual” is not an option. The window of opportunity when an irreversible global warming can still be halted is closing rapidly. We need practical solutions that lead to real change and increase everyone’s awareness for the tasks we face. These solutions must keep in mind the close connection between climate protection and biodiversity. The one cannot be reached without the other.

With the European Green Deal, the EU has set the goal of becoming the first climate neutral continent by 2050. That this transition must be socially just is also stated explicitly. However, the success of the Green Deal is endangered by populists looking for ways to instrumentalize atmospheres of social discontent engendered by, for example, rising energy prices. Increasing nationalism and lacking international exchange represent risks for the environment and climate protection – and with it a present and future that is just in terms of opportunities.

The transformation to climate neutrality must not leave anyone behind – neither people nor regions nor ecosystems. The Allianz Foundation is working at the interface of these challenges facing our planet, our societies, and every single person. Together with our partners, we want to strengthen a socially fair transformation and open debates that include unconventional figures. We support the European civil society in its fight for ambitious climate protection. These are decisive factors towards a climate neutral world. 

Smoking industrial chimneys in Poland pollute the air

Empowering EU Climate Action: Insights from Forum Energii & ECCO

People are looking on a table during a workshop

Future workshops of the Klima-Allianz Deutschland: Climate Protection Needs Many Voices

A group of people is sitting together in a circle and is talking

ECCHR: 15-year-anniversary symposium

Aleksandra Łoboda is sitting on a street, her mouth taped with gaffa and around her and two colleagues there is barbed wire. She is holding a sign that is saying: The border of Decency

Aleksandra Łoboda reflects on: Allianz Foundation Next Generations Study 2023

Portrait of Magid Magid

Magid Magid reflects on: Allianz Foundation Next Generations Study 2023

Meet the Allianz Foundation Fellows 2023-2024

Watering Systems on fields full of crops

Transforming the EU food system: A systemic challenge

Different videos are displayed at a wall in a dark room

Radical Ecology: Supporting climate justice through creative practice

Ein grafisch gestaltetes Porträt von Harald Welzer auf schwarzem Hintergrund mit dem Logo des Rats für Digitale Ökologie

Council for Digital Ecology

A person is hoding a selmade protest slogan on which "For Future" is written.

European Future Labs Explore Paths Towards More Active Citizenship

Camila Nobrega is sitting in a room and looks up to the sky through a window in the roof.

The Risktakers Part Two: Camila Nobrega

Research Out Now: Allianz Foundation Risktaker Pulse

Close up of a tomato that has dry spots

Residency on the Road Call: Decolonizing Food

A wooden power pole with many electric wires

European Climate Hub Gets to Work

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