Residency on the Road Call: Decolonizing Food

+APPLICATION DEADLINE EXPIRED+ "Decolonizing Food: Water, Land and Heritage" is the first edition of Residency On The Road, the unique Allianz Foundation Hubs residency program. It aims at bringing together artists, writers, curators, thinkers, activists, chefs, farmers and designers to explore food practices.

July 27, 2023

Close up of a tomato that has dry spots

© Taizhan Sakimbayev

About the Call

Residency On The Road

The "Decolonizing Food: Water, Land and Heritage" residency program is a unique collaboration between the three cultural institutions in the Allianz Foundation Hubs Network. The participating institutions are:

Autostrada Biennale in Prizren, Kosovo
Postane in Istanbul, Turkey
Studio Rizoma in Palermo, Italy

Allianz Foundation Hubs are regional platforms from civil society, climate action and arts & culture. They form a European network working on solutions for the pressing societal questions of our times. To meet these challenges, new ways of exchange, cooperation and a shared vision are needed.

+++ Deadline already expired +++

The Call

The program focuses on food-related practices and topics, questioning conventional food practices and exploring as well as exchanging new agricultural and culinary knowledge

It also focuses on the practical skills needed to cultivate food and collect or disseminate seeds, research relating to livestock and the economics of alimentation and the hegemony of industrialised practices in food production and distribution worldwide. There are no limitations for disciplines to involve. Topics can range from the preservation of biodiversity, urban agriculture, cultivation of local native and non-native varieties, or the mismanagement of water reserves to the possibility of creating distribution networks and fostering economic viability through alternative practices.


There are two specific phases: the Generative Phase brings together nine artists, thinkers, researchers, activists, chefs, farmers, anthropologists, designers and other cultural practitioners to spend one week in each of the three participating cities. Each hub will select three residents from their wider region. The travel period will be between March and May 2023. During this period residents will meet the local scenes and convene for artist-led workshops, performances, artist talks and screenings, networking sessions, music events, meetings with activists, thematic tours, cooking sessions and more.

The Production Phase will follow in the autumn of 2023. All residents are invited, without obligation, to submit a proposal for a project involving at least two of the visited Hubs. The proposal will be evaluated, and if supported, stipends will be made available to realize the project with a dedicated production budget. Curatorial and production support will be given in all stages to accompany the project's development by the hub and local partners selected together. The funding will be agreed upon individually based on the specific proposal.

Who can apply?

Artists, thinkers, researchers, activists, chefs, farmers, anthropologists, writers, curators, architects, food, fashion, graphic and social designers, and other cultural practitioners based in Istanbul, Kosovo or Sicily.

We aim for diverse residents in terms of profession, research interests, practice, origin and background. 

For Questions and Submissions

Contact your local Hub

Vatra Abrashi: vatra [at] 
Izabela Moren: i.moren [at]
Mesadet Sözmen: info [at]

The Procedure

Travel, Accomodations, Expenses, Application & Selection Process

Travel, Accomodations & Expenses

End of March 2023 - Rizoma
End of April 2023 - Autostrada
End of May 2023 - Postane

The program will cover all costs for travel and accommodation. A per diem will be given to participants to cover daily expenses. The main language spoken will be English.


Please send a single PDF containing a one-page letter explaining your practice and why you want to participate in the residency together with a portfolio of your work, or a writing sample of not more than 3,000 words, or a free overview of your practice (max 2 pages) to your local hub (see emails below) by 10 January 2023.

Selection Process

Your application will be assessed by a selection committee bringing together the teams of each hub plus possible external advisors. This selection committee will assess your application based on the quality and aim of your work; the approach to critical thinking and reflection; the relevance and purpose of your residency concerning the work program and interests of the three hubs.

The outcome of the selection procedure will be communicated in early February.

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