Allianz Foundation Study

Real change requires real knowledge.

The Allianz Foundation Study series creates a new basis of data and insights for Europe’s risktakers in civil society, the cultural sector and politics. Our research findings help advance their committed work for equitable opportunities, open societies and climate justice. 

Our impact-oriented research is centered around a large-scale survey that is carried out in Europe every two years among Generation Y (people age 27 to 39) and Generation Z (ages 18 to 26).

Three questions are at the core of our work: 

In what kind of society do we want to live in the future? 

How do we fight climate change, societal divisions and social injustice? 

What risks are we willing to take to win this fight? 

Our research is informed by real-world expertise and needs – and is based upon the principles of good scholarly practice.  

Our findings do not only inform our own funding and programming. They also lay the groundwork for additional forms of participation. For example, a European workshops series across several countries in which social movement leaders, artists and other forward-thinkers develop scenarios for civic engagement, both locally and across national borders. This way, facts become insights, and insights get turned into actions.

The Allianz Foundation Study series publications

The Allianz Foundation Next Generations Study 2023: “The Movers of Tomorrow?” (October 2023)

The Allianz Foundation Next Generations Study 2023 shows on how young Europeans imagine and shape a future society. The Study is based on the representative survey of 10,000 young adults (aged 18 to 39) in Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom. More Information.

A person is sitting in a big white hall. She seems to wait for something.

Allianz Foundation Next Generations Studie 2023 "The Movers of Tomorrow?" © Guilherme Stecanella / Unsplash

The Allianz Foundation Future Labs Report (October 2023)

How can we encourage more young people to take civic action and to pull together? To address this question, the Allianz Foundation invited 78 leading voices from civil society, the arts and journalism to seven interactive Future Labs in seven European cities — Athens, Berlin, Istanbul, London, Palermo, Prizren and Warsaw. The Report summarizes the most promising strategies for civil society and its public and private supporters. More Information.

A person is hoding a selmade protest slogan on which "For Future" is written.

For Future © Christian Lue_Unsplash

The Allianz Foundation Risktaker Pulse (November 2022)

Across Europe, social movements are fighting against social injustice and global warming. The Allianz Foundation Risktaker Pulse sheds lights on what their leaders see as the most pressing future risks and opportunities. The report is based on more than 75 hours of interviews with 59 social movement leaders in Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom. More Information.

A hand coming out of the water holding  a sparkler

Kristopher Roller on unsplash

Research Advisory Board

Impact-oriented research is not conducted in isolation. With our Research Advisory Board, we invite additional perspectives from civil society, the cultural sector, academia and the media into the design and dissemination of our studies.

Your contact: Head of Research Dr. Simon Morris-Lange

You have questions about our research? Please contact Simon.

Dr. Simon Morris-Lange develops and leads the research and knowledge-sharing activities at Allianz Foundation. He oversees the Allianz Foundation Study series which investigates how young Europeans envision a future society and what they are willing to do – including the risks they are willing to take – to shape this future

A picture of Simon Morris-Lange

Simon Morris-Lange © Marcel Wogram

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